Sunday 3 April 2011

Petra Stefankova
Petra Stefankovas website is my favourite so far, the back ground has an interesting colour scheme and slight pattern to it, which basically just makes it all that little bit more visually appealing. The colour of the font contrasts well with the background so that it is easy to read, it uses a clear san serif face which is also quite bold. The links are clearly labelled and although there is not a huge amount of information about the artists herself; it is presented in two small columns of lucid text. Rather than the title pages being in a boring list; for Petras portfolio of work it advertises a piece of her artwork as well so it catches your eye more. It is archived in a 2dimensional and 3dimensional small list, along with other titles such as her blog, contact, about information and a download option which allows you to download examples of her work.
i travelled through Stefankovas website until I got to her blog, which completely contrasts with her site; it has far more information and is quite complex. The font on Stefankovas blog is a lot larger and changes colour once you scroll over it, although I think the layout is very official, it contains more of her commercial work with a great amount more and in depth information about the individual pieces rather than juts imagery. It talks about inspiration, includes quotations, dates of publishing and who the clients are.

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