Sunday 3 April 2011


Visiting Artist; Jack Teagle
How I started out as an illustrator…
Jack Teagle is a freelancing illustrator who has been officially freelancing at his profession for around a year, his work varies from line art, T-shirts, band posters and painting characters.
With influence coming from science fiction, due to the crazy ideas, monsters and ‘old vintage colours’, Badly drawn comics and their crude but colourful contrasting styles, American Painter Gary Panter and both painter and print artist Ryan Heshka; Teagle has composed his own individual style.
As a student Jack Teagle wanted to create ‘striking work; simple drawings and graffiti’, but was unsure which path of illustration to go down. He would silk screen bold and out of the ordinary work which initially was what found him his voice in the art world.
As an attempt to take flight after graduation he would try and self-publish and sell, to get seen at Bristol book fare. At first he shyed away from computers as it was a complete different line of boundary for him, he was more influenced by Japanese paintings, which used gouache paint, therefore he began to paint, this taught him more about ‘colour theory’.
He continued to make a blog of any progress he though he was making and made links with students ect to get his work seen and noticed by potential future clients, as well as applying for competitions which would arise like Cheltenham ‘Tall Tales’ and DNAD . Teagle said that he found himself originally doing a lot of work for free just to build a portfolio of work from different mediums so he had an experience in working with unusual or just different materials and implements and also so that he could be seen to be working out of his comfort zone.
Jack Teagle gave us advice as student illustrators, looking back on his own experience and understanding what it was that got clients coming to him. Teagle told us; keep blogging and entering competitions to push your comfort zone and build a portfolio, and socialise so that you keep contacts.

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