Sunday 3 April 2011


David Foldvari The website of David Foldvari, an illustrator specialising in creating works with a fantastic ink effect. His website is basic and very simple to use, I find that the point sizes of the fonts used for his page titles are rather small and difficult to see, but they don’t include silly amount of sub-heading that when you click onto them, they take you straight to the page they state. The David Foldvari website doesn’t hold a great deal of detail on the artist himself, I tried to go through to his blog which couldn’t connect on a few attempts but even so it still doesn’t give any information about Foldvari as a person. I like the layout of imagery on this website although I later found that every piece of imagery is placed in exactly the same way, its good in the sense it has a continuous theme but then again… it lacks in interest after you’ve seen it once. I actually found that his blog was updated more often than his website and decided to proceed onto that to view his artwork. Overall I think David Foldvari’s website wasn’t very good, it had some appealing aspects like, his way of displaying, his gallery of work, but due to the fact he has so much work, it’s difficult to look through it all at thumbnail image size. The clean, simplistic layout did appeal to me, especially as he works in a minimal colour style, it helped to make the work look strong.

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