Sunday 11 March 2012


Copyright gives legal possession of in an artistic case; the work that has been produced. It will give the client a license to the work for a specific amount of time and a certain amount of copies only for the purpose of the commission.

Commission research
This commission is still very open, the client has a basic idea and makes it clear that the book is work in progress. There is no particular style being mentioned or any major information at all in fact. I think considering these facts the commissioner should be paying a bit more than they expect to because who knows how much time and how many different ideas you could go through before they are satisfied? But they have also made it clear they have a budget.
I wouldn't necessarily agree that being paid per hour is the logic payment method for this type of work, I think that all rolls on how much work gets kicked out. Per publishable idea I would expect around £150 because it is the front cover.

My 5 Questions...

  1. After leaving education, how long before you got the ball rolling on your artist career?
  2. How much free work and portfolio building did you have to do before you got to your dream job as an office based designer?
  3. Have you always had your own style? Not everyone has their own unique style right off and not all commissions will be suited to your style, you can't be too picky can you?
  4. Did you have a lot of  creative contacts before you got your job? 
  5. Any advice you could give to someone who has just finished their degree?

Friday 9 March 2012

This is a children's book illustration agency, I can't see anything about any type of money agreement anywhere on the page. There are a lot of illustrators on the agency website and all the styles are cartoon but very individual, I think unless you are confident in your style this page should be a second choice because stakes for commissions  look quite high.
A quote from the agencies website 'represents the very best in contemporary illustration. With over twenty years experience we have the expertise to ensure your illustration project will be a success.'
There is an option to search for various different types of art, ranging from; typography, lino cuts and teen publishing, this says that competition again is very high because of the diverse range of artistic medias being submitted to the agency.
This agency website is confusing! There is a diverse range of styles yet again and I cannot find anything about money matters. This is automatically a major off put.

Disney Internship

The brief for this internship is simple... produce a game idea. Influence Can come from an existing game or be totally my own. My idea came from watching The Little Mermaid in a lesson of study, it made me want to produce an under the sea scenery and creatures, as well as this as my influence I also liked he idea of an angry birds type plot. I decide on and began creating styalised Octopus' and squids as some of my creatures for this game design.The deadline for this brief is 30th March so is still mid process.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Family Photo Edit

You can see the gradual process, still unfinished but I am getting some good quality print outs.
(Photographer Lori Palmer)

Photographer Webpage and Advertisement in Practise

The Photographer I did this for is my sister, trying to gain recognition and put her work out more. I didn't do this completely for free but not for money either, more of a free photographer trade for future reference if ever I need one.